Workplace Safety & Hazards
This course deals with the topics that are relevant in the area of fire protection and hazards for the entire workforce in everyday production. Incidents of fire are still a high risk and directly affect the entire workforce. Regular education leads to a safer work environment and healthier and happier employees. The “Fire safety & hazards” course aims to prevent fire incidents and to teach employees what to do in the event of a fire. By showing employees how to minimize hazards, it also helps to maintain health in the workplace.

The course creates awareness of each person’s role in preventing fire incidents and supports behavioral changes related to workplace safety. The aim is to identify fire risks at an early stage, to actively report violations to superiors, to take responsibility and to act in a solution-oriented manner.
As in all our courses, this is not about detailed specialist knowledge, but about a change in awareness. Due to the very heterogeneous target group, learning goals can vary considerably for individual learners. For instance, to acquire new knowledge or refresh what was learned previously.
Fire & building safety:
- Understanding the relevance of fire prevention and consequences of fire
- Understanding fire safety equipment
- Understanding the own role in fire and building safety
- Understanding the types of hazards as well as their meanings
- Understanding the own role in prevention and dealing with hazards