Workplace Health & Personal Protection

The course “Occupational health & hygiene” (OHS) has been designed to help prevent or reduce work-related injuries and maintain health in the workplace. Employees should learn to recognize health risks at an early stage, to actively report violations to their superiors, to take responsibility and to act in a solution-oriented manner. 

Occupational health & hygiene SUSTIFY

The course “Workplace Health & Personal Protection” is intended to help you understand your own role in avoiding occupational health and safety risks and, if necessary, to bring about a change in behavior. In terms of maintaining health, the course educates workers about the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the harmful effects of not using it, as well as hygiene and ergonomics in the workplace. By improving understanding of basic hygiene principles, the training plays a role in preventing disease and limiting the spread of infections caused by viruses and bacteria. The knowledge and awareness gained helps reduce and ideally eliminate work-related illnesses, resulting in a healthier and more productive workforce.

As in all our courses, this is not about detailed specialist knowledge, but about a change in awareness. Due to the heterogeneous target group, learning goals can vary considerably for individual learners. For instance, to acquire new knowledge or refresh what was learned previously.

Education in ergonomics principles will prevent workplace injuries and long-term work-related diseases which will result in a healthier and more productive workforce.



